Serving the Lord

Not every person who wants to, can truly serve the Lord. Excitement and desire to serve are not the only requisites to serve our Almighty Lord. There are very important aspects which requires a deep understanding to serve the Lord, in his will and for his purpose. Undoubtedly, a strong desire deep from the heart is important, however in the book of Daniel Chapter 1:4 God tells us the requirements or qualifications that a person needs to serve the Lord. One must be without blemish, pure and holy in all ways to serve the Lord. He must be separated from the world and must be well favored in the eyes of the Lord. No matter how great you are in the eyes of men, being meek and humble before God and Men will make you worthy to serve him in the truest form. God sees your inner heart. He understands your deepest desires. He is only asking for a quiet and meek spirit to serve him. Nothing more does he desire of you. Are you perfect without any blemish? Are you worthy enough to serve ...