Have you ever wondered if there is a safe place on this earth or anywhere else to be in? During my childhood, I have often wondered where do the birds return in groups in the evenings. Standing on the terrace of my house, I would always admire the formations that the birds would make and fly away. But the only question in my mind was where would they go? Where was their safest abode? As I grew up I understood that they had their resting places and nests where they would return and feel safe. As rightly said in the Book of Mathew 6:26 (KJV) "Behold the fowls of the air; for they sow not,neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?', Our Heavenly father takes care of the birds of the air, feedeth them and also gives them a safe place to rest in, then how much more valuable are you and me? Our Lord is a loving God and the safest place where you can go to. He has called you to come to him when you are weary a...