Marriage made Heaven on Earth ❤️❤️❤️❤️

As the Word of God says "Marriage is honourable in all" in Hebrews 13:4, Marriage is the most sacred and holy commitment made by humans. The concept of Marriage was instituted by God himself in the Garden of Eden. As we all know, nowadays, the importance of marriage is not being understood by people. The very concept of marriage is being violated and disrespected. Man thinks marriage as a hobby or an option which can be changed or broken as and when he wants. In today's generation, it is very difficult to see a happily married couple, even in believers, because they lack the Word of God and are unaware of the kingdom principles. "Marriage made Heaven on earth " might seem as a overrated sentence for some, however it is very much a reality if you are aware of the kingdom principles and the importance of the concept itself. Marriage is not just two people coming together physically, but more importantly two people coming together on spiritual grounds, building ea...